Developed C++ library
Coding that lets you conveniently implement and utilize GDTF and MVR.

MVR-xchange protocol
Get seamless MVR scene updates over network, enhancing your workflow

Powerful fixture library
Add your devices and fixtures to the rapidly growing GDTF-share database.

Make things happen
Dive into these resources.
Register for Monthly Meetings
Join your fellow manufacturers to be part of ongoing discussions regarding the future of GDTF and MVR.
libMVRgdtf library
Utilize GDTF and MVR in your products in a convenient way with libMVRgdtf library documentation.
GDTF and MVR Development
Read current feature ideas, submit proposals, and contribute to GDTF and MVR development on GitHub.
Get the current documentation for the General Device Type Format: DIN SPEC 15800:2022-02 also known as GDTF Version 1.2.
MVR Spec
Read the documentation for the My Virtual Rig file format: DIN SPEC 12801:2023-12 also known as MVR Version 1.6.
See utilities like GDTF and MVR XSD schemas, MVR-xchange dissector, and other useful development materials.