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Global database crashing


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when i copy too many channels, mostly shutter, and i try to save the fixture i get a processing window that never ends. at the same time trying to enter the builder on the phone from the gsm network (not local wifi) and it is not possible. the ability to enter the builder appears only after I turn off the window with the processing of the record and wait about 10 seconds sometimes much time

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would suggest to have good connection and good computing device when working with the Builder. Depending on your usecase, you may be transferring lots of data, requiring some reasonable internet quality, also the device will need you decent screen space, it is not a mobile app. The fact that it is built with web technologies is to allow more direct access, not require installation, have better update paths and so on, still it is a complex application and it needs a proper computer to run on.

Kind regards


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