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  3. Hi @Petr Vanek - Robe, thanks for reporting. Kind Regards.
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  5. @lohint click the three dots menu and select Delete:
  6. Hello, I might have missed something, but I cannot figure out how do I delete a library I've uploaded to gdtf-share thanks
  7. Hi @Paolo.Prolights, thank you for the report. I think what happened is this: originally when implementing it we had the first (original) geometry there 2x. We eliminated this but it seems that while we no longer have the first geometry duplicated 2x, we lost the address of the first one. I will report this.
  8. Hi there, Has anyone had anything to do with this feature? I honestly can't get it to work properly. As for online duplication, no problem. What happens with the rectangle is this: I add pixel 1 under a normal geometry (top level), I define the pixel as a geometry reference of another top level, as always. I create a dmx mode and add at least one channel associated with the geometry reference otherwise it would not be possible to set the offset in the properties of the gerometry reference, in this case for me it is 1 as it is the first. I select this geometry and try to create a duplication with arrange using rectangle. Count X=21, Count Y=3, Count Z=1, Offset X=24, Offset Y=24, Offset Z=0, Address Offset=4 (As for RGBW pixels). What happens is that all the geometric alignment is correct but the offset count starts from 5 and no longer from one. In practice, it adds the value 4 to the starting value one, but in doing so it is all out of phase by 4 addresses. This function seems to only work by leaving address offset at 1 in the duplication tool. Can anyone tell me how to make this tool work properly? Thanks. Kind Regards.
  9. Manufacturer moderation Manufacturers have special power that allows them to manage "their" manufacturer folder/category to keep it organized. To use their "moderator" tools, there is a "Moderator" in the "Show" filter: This allows manufacturers to rename the name of their folder. This is why Robe folder is called "Robe Lighting" while the name of our company is "Robe lighting s.r.o.": Moderating operations can be done on device "subfolders" or on individual files - folders can be merged and renamed: Individual files can be also moved around or have their Revisions renamed: Individual files can also be set to hidden for public by setting their status to WIP (work in progress): Manufacturer's pages Each manufacturer also has a dedicated page with a representative listing of the files for their devices, here is what it looks like: Hope this helps Petr
  10. For device manufacturers who provide or would like to provide GDTF files for their devices, we provide extra features in the GDTF Share and in the GDTF Builder, like brand category management, manufacturer landing page or download only (no upload to GDTF Share) option in the GDTF Builder. There is a dedicated section in the forum and also a monthly manufacturers meeting about GDTF and MVR. Account registration If you are a device manufacturer, your first step would be to register a free account in the GDTF Share (https://gdtf-share.com/). Then continue and register in the GDTF Forum (https://gdtf-share.com/forum/) with the same email. Often companies use info@... or gdtf@... email, to have company wide address not linked to a single individual. Make sure to use an email from a domain which clearly asserts connection with the brand. Get in touch After creating the account, use the Contact us page and let us know the email address you used in the GDTF Share and in the Forum, so we can mark your account as a manufacturer. This will give you the possibility to manage your manufacturer brand in the GDTF Share and will provide you with special access in the GDTF Forum, which is the place to ask further questions about GDTF. Once you let us know the email used for registration, we will also add your email to our list of manufacturers who receive an invite to the monthly GDTF/MVR manufacturers meeting, where we discuss progress, proposals and questions. Past meeting notes and meeting recordings are available in the GDTF Share Forum, in a dedicated, Manufacturers only accessible section area, link here. Enable manufacturer page As for being listed on the GDTF website in the Manufacturers section, please send us your brand logo as a png image on transparent (alpha) background with a resolution of 512 x 512 pixels and also in the GDTF Share enable your Manufacturer page in the Edit Profile of your account: This then provides nice listing of your files which you can customize and share with your customers, see this example page. The page can be customized with logo, header image and news posts: To create GDTF files, the GDTF Builder application is used (https://fixturebuilder.gdtf-share.com/). To learn about the GDTF Specification, GDTF Share, GDTF Builder and more, please see the Documentation resources post:
  11. Hello all, we have released another big update to the GDTF Builder. There is new functionality, improvements and bug fixes. New features: Add 2D geometry workflow - upload 2D geometries, position them and view in 3D space Add support for Gamut collect and add Gamut linking to DMX channel function Show an arrow indicating Laser geometry direction Show Magnet geometry in 3D space Support DMX Macro Channel Function linking Display Builder build number in status bar Improvements Add undo/redo for fixture properties like weight, leg height, and operating temperature Improve the spinner animation during file upload to the GDTF Share Improve DMX error checking - ensure linking of Wheel Slots to ChannelSets where applicable Improve geometry rendering performance Allow to unset Connector type When editing wiring objects, ensure that correct geometry is displayed Do not allow to enter restricted characters for revision text Show error if Emitter/Filter names are not unique Display correct wildcard number of the main attribute Bugfixes Fix link to correct documentation CIE Color Conversion Fix When duplicating mode containing virtual channels, ensure that relations followers remain linked Fix macro duration undo function Fix Beam geometry diameter indication arrow being placed in wrong position Fix displaying wildcard attributes Fix Uploading a specific GDTF which could cause TypeID collision Emitter tooltip "Luminous Flux" fix
  12. Documentation Resources for GDTF Introduction Start by registering a free account on the GDTF Share, this allows you to use the GDTF Fixture builder and also to join this GDTF Forum and ask questions. GDTF Builder GDTF files are created in the free to use GDTF Fixture builder - a web based editor to create and modify GDTF files. There are several documentation resources for the GDTF Builder: How to Create a GDTF Lighting Fixture YouTube video series from 2024. Introduction to the GDTF Builder YouTube video series. GDTF Builder manual describes creation of a GDTF file from start to the end. How to articles, describing dedicated topics in more detail, for example Wheels, Virtual channels or Prisms. Robe Knowledge Sharing (RKS) articles on the GDTF forum, describe particular domain knowledge to depth, for example basics on 3D positioning, orientation and rotations or 3D geometry preparations. GDTF Share The GDTF Share is a platform for the exchange of GDTF files. It provides a central repository, connected with a GDTF file editor, for upload, search and download of GDTF files, with powerful filtering and management system for users and GDTF files creators. GDTF Share manual - explains how to create a free account, how to navigate the GDTF Share and how to upload, manage and download GDTF files. How to Create an Account for the GDTF Builder and GDTF Share Tutorial YouTube video series. Other resources for the GDTF Specification The GDTF Specification is the text of the DIN SPEC 15800:2022-02 also known as GDTF Version 1.2. GDTF Spec documentation on this server. GDTF & MVR Specification working repository on GitHub GDTF Forum - ask questions about GDTF & MVR here FAQ - answers for questions frequently asked by manufacturers and entertainment professionals
  13. One of the often raised questions about GDTF is "which data is required to be included inside GDTF files". This can be dependent on the use-case for the file and it is always subjective, but here we try to summarize the issue to provide a hierarchical approach to understanding user needs. GDTF Data expectation per use-case: Use case → Control Planning Previz Rendering Feature ↓ Fixture name essential essential essential essential Manufacturer essential essential essential essential RDM complementary Description complementary essential essential essential Product image complementary essential essential essential 2D thumbnail complementary essential complementary complementary Operating temperatures complementary Weight essential Leg height essential complementary complementary 3D model template essential essential essential essential 3D model real fixture complementary complementary complementary essential 3D model PBR workflow peripheral Beam model basic shape essential essential Beam model real world complementary complementary 2D model symbols complementary Gobo images essential complementary complementary essential Prism slots complementary complementary essential Color slots essential complementary essential Animation wheels complementary complementary essential Virtual channels (dimmers, tilt…) essential Channel dependencies complementary DMX (control) description essential essential essential DMX Macros complementary Beam data complementary complementary essential Colors (emitters, filters) complementary complementary essential Movement speeds complementary complementary essential Movement acceleration complementary complementary essential Movement ranges essential complementary complementary Movement directions essential complementary complementary DMX profiles (curves) complementary complementary complementary Subphysical properties peripheral Wiring object data (Power usage...) complementary GDTF Data expectation combined: Essential Nice to have Like to have Basic metadata Fixture name Manufacturer RDM Description Product image 2D thumbnail Operating temperatures Weight Symbols Leg height 3D model template 3D model real fixture 3D model PBR workflow Beam model basic shape Beam model real world 2D model symbols Media Gobo images Prism slots Color slots Animation wheels Control Virtual channels (dimmers, tilt…) Channel dependencies DMX (control) description DMX Macros Physical measurements Beam data Colors (emitters, filters) Movement speeds Movement acceleration Movement ranges Movement directions DMX profiles (curves) Subphysical properties Wiring object data (Power usage...)
  14. Hi @Andriy K, thank you, sounds good. We have done a lot of work in the past to accommodate this. The GDTF spec got support for multiple geometry trees, we sped-up the multi-geometry tree rendering in the GDTF Builder, and i believe software using GDTF also improved over time. For us, things are a bit more complex but for you this should make your experience much better.
  15. Good day Petr, thanks for the advice. I was a bit skeptical about using duplicate geometry, as I had previously tried to make a strobe model for which had to add another group of emitters to have the possibility of simultaneous strobe and color change working. But, in the case of using modes, when the second group of emitters is not used (just color washing emitters were used), at least in the Vision, unused emitters began to constantly glow white. Therefore, I abandoned this idea. But everything went well with Mozart. This method is working. As I understand, every time I need to make a modes which differs by the type of color mixing (RGB or RGBW) or by the number of emitters or different grouping that emitters into the “pixels”, it is desirable to use a duplicating of the geometries . So, thank you again for the advice. I will definitely write to Vectorworks support.
  16. If you have the opportunity, please visit the GDTF booth at the Plasa 2024 show, at stand A69.
  17. Hello Andriy, yes, we deal with the same issue. If i can advice you, duplicate the geometry tree and make the modes to use Break 1. We have quite a few devices where using multiple geometry trees is complicating things for us for several other reasons, so we stick to a single tree but have to deal with these DMX Break implementation issues. On gMA, you can patch but you must re-calculate yourself, because the software pushes the other breaks to another universe. You can also raise an issue with WV and MA. Cheers Petr
  18. Good day to everyone. I made a model of the TMB Solaris Mozart FLR that is available on the GDTF-share. I am using DMX Break 1 to describe the RGB 16 pixels mode and DMX Break 2 - for RGBW 16 pixels mode. The GDTF builder shows no errors, but when that file is used to set fixtures mode in Vectorworks into RGBW 16 pix, Vectorworks defines the fixtures footprint as 65025 and function spotlight numbering doesn't work correctly. Grand MA as well not recognize it and its addressing is not possible. At the same time RGB mode which uses DMX Break 1 behaves as normal. After changing numbering of DMX Breaks (in this case RGB mode is using Break 2, RGBW mode – Break 1) RGBW 16 pix mode is start to behave correctly, but fixtures which mode set into RGB 16 pix mode - behave incorrect, Vectorworks determinate its DMX footprint as 65025. In case when only one DMX Break is used for a GDTF file – it's working correctly. Does anyone know of any restrictions on using DMX Break? Or maybe problem in my wrong dids? It seems like Vectorworks is using the GDTF 1.2 Builder.
  19. I have looked at the file in the builder. This is a good start, but you do need to tweak it to make visualization working: - Ideally, you should build the fixture up side down, as the GDTF specification says. This will in default view allow you to see the beams pointing down from the device. The up side down rotation of the models should ideally be done in an external 3D software. - the model of axis has it's origin point (the center or the pivot) outside of the model, this is why the rotation is not following the real fixture behavior. To fix this, in the 3D software where you created this model, you need to set the origin point to the correct place. - the beam geometries are inserted too deep into the geometry of the "axis", thus they cannot shine their beams out. Hope this helps
  20. A random strobe has a random behavior. Having said that, it might be possible to link a global strobe attribute to a geometry parenting the sub-beams, then the trickle-down principle would make them to strobe together, in random way but together, if the used visualizer supports that.
  21. Hey, so I rebuild the Profile for the Cameo PixBar 600 in 78CH Mode as the one in the forum was not visualizing at all. And so far I am finished with it and it works the only thing are the strobe modes ( and the fact I did not use reference models as it is my first fixture, and it is far to bright compared to the live version). The problem is that on the random strobe modes it starts to strobe randomly across all 12 pixels per fixture but in real life the strobe channel affects all pixels at the same time per fixture. Is there any solution for that Thx
  22. Hello, this is not an oversight but it was a deliberate change from original version of GDTF. Each ChannelFunction has it's own default value as the LogicalChannel's default value is in many cases not valid for all ChannelFunctions. Also, when switching between ChannelFunctions, it was important to be able to tell to the system what value to load upon the change of the function. Kind regards Petr
  23. Hello, I am confused why the default value for an attribute is in the "channel Function" area instead of "logical Channel" section of the builder. Seems like it should be in the Logical channel section same as options like "snap". If you have multiple channel sets for an attribute (which most fixture go) how can an attribute have more than one default value?? seems like an oversight. I am also not able to enter a default value in more then one channel set so it gives all sort of errors in the fixture builder...... I would not like to see the defualt value or any vallue change as I am going from channel set to channel set if this is the intended function that...
  24. Hello GDTF fam, I am trying to build a Rockville Motionstrip in 38 channel mode. I've imported the 3 different meshes used as 3DS files (the base, the axis, and the lamp--- the lamp is same mesh imported 8 times over, as this fixture has 8 lamps/pixels.) I've left physical descriptions and wheels blank, as I didn't believe that any of the information in these fields were necessary to create a functioning gdtf file with this fixture. Next, under DMX I patched this fixture according to this attached fixture profile at 38 channel mode: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.rockvilleaudio.com/content/Manuals/MotionStrip_Manual_OL.pdf I suspect the problem is in DMX, but I am also unsure if the problem lies in geometry/models. I did not write any info under macros. When I import this model in MA3 and attempt to use it in 3D, I am cannot tilt my fixture or turn on my fixtures lamps. I've attached the gdtf zip file If anyone is able to shed any light on this matter, it'd be much appreciated! Rockville@Motionstrip@dot13.gdtf
  25. Hello @CharlieWinter, repackaging and re-zipping GDTF and MVR is possible. It could be that gMA3 is not yet supporting compression of the zip archives and that they are expecting a zip but without compression, which is something you can typically set during the zipping process. Hope this helps Petr
  26. In doing some tests with MVR and Vectorworks, I'm interested in how to recompress an MVR after unzipping it to tweak the GeneralSceneDescription XML file. When I recompress the folder [MVR_2025Test_Group] and change the extension back to .mvr, macOS still recognizes it as a ZIP archive rather than a document, and it doesn't appear in the MVR Import in MA3.
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