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  3. yes 🙂 now it's clear, thanks ++
  4. Hi Nicolas, perfect. You would choose the channel function defined in the InitialFunction="Head_Frost1.Frost1.Light Frost" field, so sometimes it may be the first one, sometimes not: <ChannelFunction Attribute="Frost1" CustomName="" DMXFrom="0/1" Default="0/1" Max="1.000000" Min="0.000000" Name="Light Frost" OriginalAttribute="" PhysicalFrom="0.000000" PhysicalTo="1.000000" RealAcceleration="0.000000" RealFade="0.000000"> Hope this helps Petr
  5. After doing some research, because I am sending an API request from front-end javascript it is a "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing"(CORS) request, which is disallowed by default. From my understanding, there are 2 main solutions to this: 1. Setup a Server-Side Proxy, to send a request on behalf of the client. 2. Use a CORS Proxy Service to make the request.
  6. rwanoux


    maybe add mode :cors ?? const response = await fetch("https://gdtf-share.com/apis/public/login.php", { method: "POST", mode:"cors", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ user: "_your_real_user_not_the_exemple", password: "_your_real_password_not_the_exemple" }), });
  7. sorry Petr, I think we don't understand each other... one more try please. in the xml there's for offset 22: <ChannelFunction Attribute="Frost1" CustomName="" DMXFrom="0/1" Default="0/1" Max="1.000000" Min="0.000000" Name="Light Frost" OriginalAttribute="" PhysicalFrom="0.000000" PhysicalTo="1.000000" RealAcceleration="0.000000" RealFade="0.000000"> <ChannelFunction Attribute="Frost1" CustomName="" DMXFrom="84/1" Default="84/1" Max="1.000000" Min="0.000000" Name="Medium Frost" OriginalAttribute="" PhysicalFrom="0.000000" PhysicalTo="1.000000" RealAcceleration="0.000000" RealFade="0.000000" <ChannelFunction Attribute="Frost1" CustomName="" DMXFrom="170/1" Default="170/1" Max="1.000000" Min="0.000000" Name="Combined Frost" OriginalAttribute="" PhysicalFrom="0.000000" PhysicalTo="1.000000" RealAcceleration="0.000000" RealFade="0.000000" from what I understand they all are not the offset default level but in range default level. What I would like to get is the offset default level... or maybe I should grab the first one? thanks, ++
  8. Hi, I am currently trying to use the GDTF-Share API myself, but I am running into a "Cross-Origin Request Blocked" issue. It states: Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing I am running this on github pages, which I don't think is the issue. Below I have provided the code used for the request: const response = await fetch("https://gdtf-share.com/apis/public/login.php", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ user: "Real User 42", password: "123SafePassw0rd456" }), }); If anyone has any insight into this issue, that would be much appreciated. thanks, Alex 🙂
  9. Hi Nicolas, sure, here is how you get the value: The same in XML, default in the correct ChannelFunction: InitialFunction="Head_Frost1.Frost1.Light Frost" <ChannelFunction Attribute="Frost1" CustomName="" DMXFrom="0/1" Default="0/1" Max="1.000000" Min="0.000000" Name="Light Frost" OriginalAttribute="" PhysicalFrom="0.000000" PhysicalTo="1.000000" RealAcceleration="0.000000" RealFade="0.000000"> Hope it helps, cheers, Petr
  10. thank you for your answer, but... with Robin Painte Fresnel, here's how is decscribed offset 22: <DMXChannel DMXBreak="1" Geometry="Head" Highlight="0/1" InitialFunction="Head_Frost1.Frost1.Light Frost" Offset="22"> <LogicalChannel Attribute="Frost1" DMXChangeTimeLimit="0.000000" Master="None" MibFade="0.000000" Snap="No"> <ChannelFunction Attribute="Frost1" CustomName="" DMXFrom="0/1" Default="0/1" Max="1.000000" Min="0.000000" Name="Light Frost" OriginalAttribute="" PhysicalFrom="0.000000" PhysicalTo="1.000000" RealAcceleration="0.000000" RealFade="0.000000"> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="0/1" Name="Open" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="1/1" Name="Light Frost from 0% to 100%" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="51/1" Name="100% Light Frost" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="54/1" Name="Pulse closing from slow to fast" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="64/1" Name="Pulse opening from fast to slow" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="74/1" Name="Ramping from fast to slow" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> </ChannelFunction> <ChannelFunction Attribute="Frost1" CustomName="" DMXFrom="84/1" Default="84/1" Max="1.000000" Min="0.000000" Name="Medium Frost" OriginalAttribute="" PhysicalFrom="0.000000" PhysicalTo="1.000000" RealAcceleration="0.000000" RealFade="0.000000"> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="84/1" Name="Open" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="87/1" Name="Medium Frost from 0% to 100%" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="137/1" Name="100% Medium Frost" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="140/1" Name="Pulse closing from slow to fast" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="150/1" Name="Pulse opening from fast to slow" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="160/1" Name="Ramping from fast to slow" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> </ChannelFunction> <ChannelFunction Attribute="Frost1" CustomName="" DMXFrom="170/1" Default="170/1" Max="1.000000" Min="0.000000" Name="Combined Frost" OriginalAttribute="" PhysicalFrom="0.000000" PhysicalTo="1.000000" RealAcceleration="0.000000" RealFade="0.000000"> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="170/1" Name="Open" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="173/1" Name="Combined Frost from 0% to 100%" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="223/1" Name="100% Combined Frost" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="226/1" Name="Pulse closing from slow to fast" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="236/1" Name="Pulse opening from fast to slow" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> <ChannelSet DMXFrom="246/1" Name="Ramping from fast to slow" WheelSlotIndex="0"/> </ChannelFunction> </LogicalChannel> </DMXChannel> and in the doc as in the attached file. What I would like is the info like in the doc. best regards, Nicolas
  11. Hi Nicolas, i trust all is well 🙂 We already have the defaults, these are providing exactly what you are asking for, i have described it recently for someone here:
  12. Hello, the API is described here: https://github.com/mvrdevelopment/tools
  13. rwanoux


    Hello, Has the public API documentation been removed from mvrdevelopments repository ? Or is it now restricted ?
  14. Hi Petr, while working with new Robin Painte Fresnel file I've noticed that HOME levels for offsets are not part of gdtf file. I calculate them to be ok with my software... but it could be very convenient if they could be part of the file. I know that there's ever a Default properties for <ChannelFunction> but that's the snap level. So, would it be possible to add a Default property at <DMXChannel> record? where the offset is declared (like this for example : <DMXChannel DMXBreak="1" Geometry="Head" Highlight="None" InitialFunction="Head_ScrimIndex.ScrimIndex.ScrimIndex" Offset="21" Default="128/1">) best regards, nicolas
  15. Received an update from MA Support: The "Override" feature for Virtual Channels has not yet been implemented. That's why there is no output. Kudos to MA Tech Support for super speedy response on a release day. 🙂
  16. Daniel, thanks for your response. Well, this does not address my Virtual Channel related issue but if it works the way you describe, it would eliminate the need for adding a Virtual Channel. (Though if Virtual Channels would work, I could create Channel Sets that are relevant for only the sub-fixture, but that's a different use case). I knew about the Channel Set not working when you select a sub-fixture which passes value up the attribute chain. I did notice, that there's also a bug in the Encoder Bar. If you turn the respective encoder, it doesn't show any value changes either, though in the DMX Output I do see the changing value. I'll check whether this would work as a work-around. Still absolutely interested in understanding why Virtual Channels don't work as expected.
  17. Hi @r2.square There are several possibilities when selecting a subfixture within a parent-child structure and changing the value of an attribute via the encoder: 1) The attribute exists at the level of the selected subfixture -> the value of the channel of the subfixture changes. 2) The attribute does not exist at the level of the selected subfixture, but its parent has a channel with this attribute -> the value of the parent's channel changes. 3) The attribute exists at the level of the selected subfixture and its parent has a channel with the same attribute -> only the value of the subfixture's channel changes. With 2) it is possible to control the pan/tilt of the main fixture even if I have only selected one subfixture. The same applies to the effect channels in your case. Select fixture 1.1 and turn the encoder of the FX1 channel. The value of the effect channel will change as the value change is passed on to the parent. I could imagine that you may have stumbled across the bug that if you select subfixture 1.1, open the FX1 channel's calculator and select one of the pre-defined channel sets for the effects, no value change occurs. I will create a ticket for this bug at MA. I hope I understood your question correctly. With kind regards, Daniel
  18. I understand that this is something you don't want, I have have mentioned it to clarify this "The label says 8-Bit while the data actually is 32-bit.". With the second question I would ask directly MA. Vlastimil
  19. Thanks for clarifying! That was my understanding! I am not sure why Builder forces us to define a Relationship to a Channel Function as opposed to just a Channel but I guess there must be some reason I don't grasp, yet. I guess there might be a bug in the current version of grandMA3. I have created a Virtual Channel which links to a real FX Channel Function. Yet, when manipulating the Virtual Channel, the console completely ignores it and the related DMX Channel stays at 0.
  20. If you have 16 bit channel, the first number just represent the first 8 bits of the channel (255) and then you have the second part which is the other 8bit "fine" value. (that is nothing else than two channels controled by one encoder) Thats the same when you open a DMX sheet in MA in DEC readout and start scrolling with the encoder - in this example PAN 16 bit channel. Pan zero would be 0/0, middle would be 128/0 (or 128/128) and max would be 255/255 meaning that for each value of the first channel you have 256 fine values (256 x 256 = 65535 values - inlcuding zero). In builder you can just simply switch from 8 bit to 16 bit or % representation of the same value (for example 255/255 = 65535 = 100%) hope this helps.
  21. Good morning 🙂 Not a UI bug. A Virtual channel is always at current maximum resolution - a 32 bit channel, then, it is displayed based on which representation you choose (percentage and so on). A Virtual channel does not generate any DMX on it's own, but it can have an effect onto a geometry in a visualizer or you can link it to other channels, which then generate DMX output, this is often called a Virtual Dimmer. More informal information on that has been added to the GDTF Spec here. As for the "Follow topic", i have a feeling that emails are sent only later in time, but i a forum admin would need to respond here.
  22. Thanks! But changing it there would turn it into a real DMX Channel, which is not what I want. Can you also respond to the second part of my question maybe? I always undershoot Virtual Channels as a means to generate DMX output on real channels which are linked to them via a Relationship. As to @Petr Vanek - Robe remarks above, Virtual Channels never ever generate DMX output. Why can I configure relationships in the first place then?
  23. Hello, the right answer is 58/0/0/0. If you click on the "8bit" button on the right side you can switch to 16, 24, 32bit or % representation of the same value so user can use the one which suits the best the situation but since it is a virtual channel- it is still 32 bit. V.
  24. Thanks, Petr. So it's a UI bug in Builder. The label says 8-Bit while the data actually is 32-bit. As to the concrete notation, how would I enter the 8-bit value of e.g. 58? As 0/0/0/58 or 58/0/0/0? Did I misunderstand Relationships then? I thought, when adding a Relationship to a Virtual Channel, that modifying values on this Virtual Channel on a console would actually change the DMX output for the related real-world DMX Channel? Is that not what this is supposed to facilitate? (Also "Follow topic" does not seem to work. I didn't get any email notifications on your response.)
  25. Hello, as for the representation of the Virtual Channel, it is a channel which does not produce any real DMX output and is always represented in the Builder as a 32bit channel. As for the Virtual dimmers - this partially depends on how you define the geometries in the fixture (sometimes one has to add extra geometries for the geometry tree to have correct level of depth to react as expected). I do not know this particular fixture so it would be the best to get in touch directly with MA, as the specific sub-fixture assembly logic is partially a gMA3 thing. I will notify the MA guys to have a look here.
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