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GDTF Builder- default value in "channel Function" not "logical channel"


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Hello, I am confused why the default value for an attribute is in the "channel Function" area instead of "logical Channel" section of the builder.   Seems like it should be in the Logical channel section same as options like "snap".   If you have multiple channel sets for an attribute (which most fixture go)  how can an attribute have more than one default value??   seems like an oversight.  I am also not able to enter a default value in more then one channel set so it gives all sort of errors in the fixture builder......

I would not like to see the defualt value or any vallue change as I am going from channel set to channel set if this is the intended function that...

Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 9.09.15 PM.png

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this is not an oversight but it was a deliberate change from original version of GDTF. Each ChannelFunction has it's own default value as the LogicalChannel's default value is in many cases not valid for all ChannelFunctions. Also, when switching between ChannelFunctions, it was important to be able to tell to the system what value to load upon the change of the function.

Kind regards


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