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Using of DMX Break

Andriy K

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Good day to everyone.

I made a model of the TMB Solaris Mozart FLR that is available on the GDTF-share. I am using DMX Break 1 to describe the RGB 16 pixels mode and DMX Break 2 - for RGBW 16 pixels mode. The GDTF builder shows no errors, but when that file is used to set fixtures mode in Vectorworks into RGBW 16 pix, Vectorworks defines the fixtures footprint as 65025 and function spotlight numbering doesn't work correctly.


Grand MA as well not recognize it and its addressing is not possible. At the same time RGB mode which uses DMX Break 1 behaves as normal. After changing numbering of DMX Breaks (in this case RGB mode is using Break 2, RGBW mode – Break 1) RGBW 16 pix mode is start to behave correctly, but fixtures which mode set into RGB 16 pix mode - behave incorrect, Vectorworks determinate its DMX footprint as 65025.


In case when only one DMX Break is used for a GDTF file – it's working correctly.
Does anyone know of any restrictions on using DMX Break? Or maybe problem in my wrong dids?
It seems like Vectorworks is using the GDTF 1.2 Builder. 

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20 hours ago, Andriy K said:

In case when only one DMX Break is used for a GDTF file – it's working correctly.
Does anyone know of any restrictions on using DMX Break? Or maybe problem in my wrong dids?
It seems like Vectorworks is using the GDTF 1.2 Builder. 

Hello Andriy,

yes, we deal with the same issue. If i can advice you, duplicate the geometry tree and make the modes to use Break 1. We have quite a few devices where using multiple geometry trees is complicating things for us for several other reasons, so we stick to a single tree but have to deal with these DMX Break implementation issues. On gMA, you can patch but you must re-calculate yourself, because the software pushes the other breaks to another universe. You can also raise an issue with WV and MA.

Cheers Petr

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Good day Petr,

thanks for the advice. I was a bit skeptical about using duplicate geometry, as I had previously tried to make a strobe model for which had to add another group of emitters to have the possibility of simultaneous strobe and color change working. But, in the case of using modes, when the second group of emitters is not used (just color washing emitters were used), at least in the Vision, unused emitters began to constantly glow white. Therefore, I abandoned this idea.
But everything went well with Mozart. This method is working.
As I understand, every time I need to make a modes which differs by the type of color mixing (RGB or RGBW) or by the number of emitters or different grouping that emitters into the “pixels”, it is desirable to use a duplicating of the geometries .
So, thank you again for the advice.

I will definitely write to Vectorworks support.

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Hi @Andriy K, thank you, sounds good. We have done a lot of work in the past to accommodate this. The GDTF spec got support for multiple geometry trees, we sped-up the multi-geometry tree rendering in the GDTF Builder, and i believe software using GDTF also improved over time. For us, things are a bit more complex but for you this should make your experience much better.

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