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GDTF Forum

RKS: New Manufacturer Onboarding

Petr Vanek - Robe

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For device manufacturers who provide or would like to provide GDTF files for their devices, we provide extra features in the GDTF Share and in the GDTF Builder, like brand category management, manufacturer landing page or download only (no upload to GDTF Share) option in the GDTF Builder. There is a dedicated section in the forum and also a monthly manufacturers meeting about GDTF and MVR.

Account registration

If you are a device manufacturer, your first step would be to register a free account in the GDTF Share (https://gdtf-share.com/). Then continue and register in the GDTF Forum (https://gdtf-share.com/forum/) with the same email. Often companies use info@... or gdtf@... email, to have company wide address not linked to a single individual. Make sure to use an email from a domain which clearly asserts connection with the brand.

Get in touch

After creating the account, use the Contact us page and let us know the email address you used in the GDTF Share and in the Forum, so we can mark your account as a manufacturer. This will give you the possibility to manage your manufacturer brand in the GDTF Share and will provide you with special access in the GDTF Forum, which is the place to ask further questions about GDTF. Once you let us know the email used for registration, we will also add your email to our list of manufacturers who receive an invite to the monthly GDTF/MVR manufacturers meeting, where we discuss progress, proposals and questions. Past meeting notes and meeting recordings are available in the GDTF Share Forum, in a dedicated, Manufacturers only accessible section area, link here.

Enable manufacturer page

As for being listed on the GDTF website in the Manufacturers section, please send us your brand logo as a png image on transparent (alpha) background with a resolution of 512 x 512 pixels and also in the GDTF Share enable your Manufacturer page in the Edit Profile of your account:


This then provides nice listing of your files which you can customize and share with your customers, see this example page. The page can be customized with logo, header image and news posts:


Information about GDTF Share moderation tools for manufacturers:



To create GDTF files, the GDTF Builder application is used (https://fixturebuilder.gdtf-share.com/).

To learn about the GDTF Specification, GDTF Share, GDTF Builder and more, please see the Documentation resources post:






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