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GDTF Share Moderation Rules and Principles

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Dear all,

it is great to see all the interest in GDTF specification, GDTF Builder and also the GDTF Share. As the Share is a source of data for several different interested parties with different levels of needs and understanding, we have to ensure that the content provided in the Share remains organized and useful. The GDTF Share usage policy is given by Terms of use, available here: https://gdtf-share.com/help/terms_of_use_gdtf_help.htm

This short document explains principles used for moderation of the content in the GDTF Share which we will start to be enforcing, to keep the GDTF Share a useful resource.

As long as the above stated Terms of use are fulfilled, the main assumption for the GDTF Share moderators is that GDTF Share users have the following possibilities:

- everyone can contribute
- everyone can modify existing content

At the same time, users should ensure, that they do not create confusion by incomplete, missing or confusing data, naming of files (devices), manufacturers (folders) or revisions.

There are following types of user content in the GDTF Share, which receive extra moderation in order to keep the GDTF Share organized:

- User names
- Manufacturer names
- Fixture names
- Revisions

User name

    User names should not collide with names of manufacturers, in order to not create confusion for other users. User, who's name contains a manufacturer's name, where the user is not representing the manufacturer, might be warned to change their name and/or their name might be changed by moderators.

Manufacturer name
    Manufacturer name should be based on manufacturer's preference, is possible. The Manufacturer name is used as a section/folder in the share and there should typically only be a single section/folder per manufacturer in the GDTF Share.

    User Tests folder

        There is a dedicated folder for testing, files not meeting stated criteria will be moved or asked to be moved there. Please use this folder extensively when testing and do clean your creations after testing. We are also planning to clean the User Tests from time to time.

Fixture names

    Ideally, official full fixture name should be used. The GDTF specification provides dedicated fields for Short Name and also for Long Name - a name with special characters. As GDTF file can contain multiple DMX Modes, do not create individual GDTF files for individual modes.


    Revision text, especially after the initial release and corrections, should try to explain what changes have been done to the file. If a user is modifying another user's file (creating another revision), the revision text should clearly state what the changes are.

Fixture type unique identification

    Each fixture type's UUID (universally unique identifier) in the GDTF Share must be unique. What is UUID? Each fixture type has a universally unique identifier (UUID), this is typically generated by the GDTF Builder. Different revisions of the same fixture type have the same UUID, but different fixture types must have different UUIDs.

Upcoming steps

If you are a GDTF files author, we would be happy if you can check if the files you have uploaded meet the above criteria and make changes as needed.

If you are a GDTF-Share user, we would appreciate if in cases where you see a file not meeting the above criteria, please contact the author - either through the forum or via the "Comments" under each file, so they have a chance to make the adjustments themselves. If you see that the author does not react, use the "Report this file" with a description of the issue, so we can take care.

Thank you for helping us keeping the GDTF Share organized,

happy editing,


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