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Posts posted by dmueller

  1. Hi Sille,

    unfortunately, I can not recreate an issue related to the export of relations.

    What did I do:

    • Exported fixture profile with virtual Dimmer (= Relations) from grandMA3 as a GDTF
    • Imported this into the Builder
    • Uploaded the file to the GDTF share
    • Opened the file in the Builder again
    • No issues with the relations.

    Could you please attach the profile that made the issues? 

    The pretty names of the attributes from the GDTF attribute definition are not supposed to be changed by the user. The builder will use the original pretty names for attributes that are defined in the attribute definition. Nevertheless, a custom pretty name can be defined for a custom attribute.

    What is your intention to change the pretty name of an attribute?





  2. Hi MattG,

    thank you very much for the report. The random integers are a bug in version 1.1 of the GDTF builder.

    This bug is already fixed for the next release. Duplicated geometries will then be inserted with an offset the same as their dimension on x and not a random value.

    Kind regards,



  3. Hi Rex,

    we already improved this for the upcoming release of the GDTF Builder.

    If a channel function has an attribute that is supposed to be linked to a wheel, the wheel link is shown on the main dialog of the channel function. 

    Also, an error is indicated if no link to a wheel is set in this case.

    Best regards,

  4. Hi aTOM1C,

    please have a look at the Clay Paky Show Batten (DMX Mode: Pixel Engine RGB) I have uploaded to the GDTF Share.

    This fixture has a set of 10 LEDs that can be controlled individually.

    There is one geometry called "Pixel_RGB" that is referenced to 10 times.


    The DMX Channels that control the Emitters are linked to the geometry Pixel_RGB (that one that is referenced to).


    The DMX offset of the different Emitters is set in the properties of the Geometry References.


    Here is the resulting DMX footprint:



    Kind regards,




  5. Hi Rex,

    thank you very much for your feedback.

    I tried to reproduce the issues you have mentioned regarding geometries. I created models called Base, Yoke, Head, Beam. After that I added geometries, named them and linked the models I had created. It worked fine for me. I was also able to define a name while creating the geometries and to rename the geometries and models afterwards.
    Could you please describe more precisely what you did when it did not behave as expected.

    Resolution: The DMX values in the GDTF file are exported to the file with the resolution that is set for the DMX channel. For example all DMX values of a DMX channel with a resolution of 16 bit are exported as x/2 to the file. 
    Changing the resolution of the individual input fields only simplifies the input of values. 
    At the moment the resolution of the input fields does not change if you switch between DMX channels, but the resolution of the input fields is reset to 8 bit if you change tabs. I guess the resolution should also be kept if I switch the tabs.

    Kind regards,

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