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default level for offsets


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Hi Petr,

while working with new Robin Painte Fresnel file I've noticed that HOME levels for offsets are not part of gdtf file.

I calculate them to be ok with my software... but it could be very convenient if they could be part of the file.

I know that there's ever a Default properties for <ChannelFunction> but that's the snap level.

So, would it be possible to add a Default property at <DMXChannel> record? where the offset is declared

(like this for example : <DMXChannel DMXBreak="1" Geometry="Head" Highlight="None" InitialFunction="Head_ScrimIndex.ScrimIndex.ScrimIndex" Offset="21" Default="128/1">)


best regards,



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thank you for your answer, but...

with Robin Painte Fresnel, here's how is decscribed offset 22:

          <DMXChannel DMXBreak="1" Geometry="Head" Highlight="0/1" InitialFunction="Head_Frost1.Frost1.Light Frost" Offset="22">
            <LogicalChannel Attribute="Frost1" DMXChangeTimeLimit="0.000000" Master="None" MibFade="0.000000" Snap="No">
              <ChannelFunction Attribute="Frost1" CustomName="" DMXFrom="0/1" Default="0/1" Max="1.000000" Min="0.000000" Name="Light Frost" OriginalAttribute="" PhysicalFrom="0.000000" PhysicalTo="1.000000" RealAcceleration="0.000000" RealFade="0.000000">
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="0/1" Name="Open" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="1/1" Name="Light Frost from 0% to 100%" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="51/1" Name="100% Light Frost" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="54/1" Name="Pulse closing from slow to fast" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="64/1" Name="Pulse opening from fast to slow" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="74/1" Name="Ramping from fast to slow" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
              <ChannelFunction Attribute="Frost1" CustomName="" DMXFrom="84/1" Default="84/1" Max="1.000000" Min="0.000000" Name="Medium Frost" OriginalAttribute="" PhysicalFrom="0.000000" PhysicalTo="1.000000" RealAcceleration="0.000000" RealFade="0.000000">
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="84/1" Name="Open" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="87/1" Name="Medium Frost from 0% to 100%" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="137/1" Name="100% Medium Frost" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="140/1" Name="Pulse closing from slow to fast" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="150/1" Name="Pulse opening from fast to slow" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="160/1" Name="Ramping from fast to slow" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
              <ChannelFunction Attribute="Frost1" CustomName="" DMXFrom="170/1" Default="170/1" Max="1.000000" Min="0.000000" Name="Combined Frost" OriginalAttribute="" PhysicalFrom="0.000000" PhysicalTo="1.000000" RealAcceleration="0.000000" RealFade="0.000000">
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="170/1" Name="Open" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="173/1" Name="Combined Frost from 0% to 100%" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="223/1" Name="100% Combined Frost" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="226/1" Name="Pulse closing from slow to fast" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="236/1" Name="Pulse opening from fast to slow" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>
                <ChannelSet DMXFrom="246/1" Name="Ramping from fast to slow" WheelSlotIndex="0"/>

and in the doc as in the attached file.

What I would like is the info like in the doc.

best regards, Nicolas

Capture d’écran 2025-01-24 à 15.25.35.png

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Hi Nicolas,

sure, here is how you get the value:






The same in XML, default in the correct ChannelFunction:

InitialFunction="Head_Frost1.Frost1.Light Frost" 
  <ChannelFunction Attribute="Frost1" CustomName="" DMXFrom="0/1" Default="0/1" Max="1.000000" Min="0.000000" Name="Light Frost" OriginalAttribute="" PhysicalFrom="0.000000" PhysicalTo="1.000000" RealAcceleration="0.000000" RealFade="0.000000">

Hope it helps, cheers, Petr


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sorry Petr, I think we don't understand each other...

one more try please.

in the xml there's for offset 22:

              <ChannelFunction Attribute="Frost1" CustomName="" DMXFrom="0/1" Default="0/1" Max="1.000000" Min="0.000000" Name="Light Frost" OriginalAttribute="" PhysicalFrom="0.000000" PhysicalTo="1.000000" RealAcceleration="0.000000" RealFade="0.000000">
              <ChannelFunction Attribute="Frost1" CustomName="" DMXFrom="84/1" Default="84/1" Max="1.000000" Min="0.000000" Name="Medium Frost" OriginalAttribute="" PhysicalFrom="0.000000" PhysicalTo="1.000000" RealAcceleration="0.000000" RealFade="0.000000"
              <ChannelFunction Attribute="Frost1" CustomName="" DMXFrom="170/1" Default="170/1" Max="1.000000" Min="0.000000" Name="Combined Frost" OriginalAttribute="" PhysicalFrom="0.000000" PhysicalTo="1.000000" RealAcceleration="0.000000" RealFade="0.000000"

from what I understand they all are not the offset default level but in range default level.

What I would like to get is the offset default level... or maybe I should grab the first one?




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Hi Nicolas,


You would choose the channel function defined in the InitialFunction="Head_Frost1.Frost1.Light Frost" field, so sometimes it may be the first one, sometimes not:

<ChannelFunction Attribute="Frost1" CustomName="" DMXFrom="0/1" Default="0/1" Max="1.000000" Min="0.000000" Name="Light Frost" OriginalAttribute="" PhysicalFrom="0.000000" PhysicalTo="1.000000" RealAcceleration="0.000000" RealFade="0.000000">

Hope this helps


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