Help Pages



Login to the GDTF Share using your user name or e-mail. 

Please click the log in button in the upper right corner.

If you do not have a registered user login, please register first.

There are two input fields on the login page.

Enter the user name and password and then click the Log in button.

Login window
When logged in it is possible to edit the user name and password - read about it in the User Creation and Editing topic.

Forgot password

If you forgot your password, click Forgot your password?

This opens a new page:

Forgot your password window
  1. Enter the email address and the CAPTCHA code.
  2. Click Reset Password.

You will receive an email with a link. Follow this link within 7 days.

It directs you to a page where you can change your password. 

  1. Enter the new password. 
  2. Confirm the new password.
  3. Click Change Password.

A confirmation pop-up appears and you can login using the new password.